Where to find iOS crash logs on your desktop PC?

Working with crash logs typically involves certain interaction between developers and users, unless they are automagically sent to the developer. First of all, the user should get the crash log and send it to the developer, who should examine it, find the bug and fix it.
iOS and Mac OS X are remarkably similar architectures. Both store crash logs to help identify crashing bugs. The difference between the two is how users retrieve them. On Mac OS X every user has unrestricted access to crash logs related to the applications he runs. The iPhone does not even have a file browser.

What to do? iTunes comes to the rescue.
Whenever you synchronize your iPhone or iPod Touch, all the crash logs are transferred to your computer.
Here are their locations:

[title type=“h2″ class=“tfuse“]OS X[/title]


[title type=“h2″ class=“tfuse“]Windows XP[/title]

C:/Documents and Settings/<username>/Application Data/Apple computer/Logs/CrashReporter/<device_name>

[title type=“h2″ class=“tfuse“]Windows Vista and Windows 7[/title]

C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/Apple computer/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/<device_name>

The log file names start with application name and have the extension “crash”. They are just plain text files and can be sent by e-mail in original or zipped form, or even copy-pasted into your e-mail program.

[title type=“h2″ class=“fuse“]Tips for OS X users[/title]
You can easily find the folder: ~/Library/ by clicking on an empty spot on your desktop and pressing the keys Command + Shift + G.
Another way is to open your Crash Logs in the Console application. Just open it (Spotlight: Console) and browse to your device in the files section. Then right+click the log file and select „eMail“ to send it to someone or „Show in the Finder“ to find it on your computer.